Thursday 6 December 2007

Computer shop

This evening/Morning I was talking to my good friend Darryl about the idea of setting up a computer shop. In between him writing his film essay we juggled with the idea of setting up a shop together. the idea is becoming increasingly tempting. I would be lying if I didn't say I thought about leaving university to start one.

Suddenly I seem to have found a purpose with my life and I think this is what I genuinely want to do. of course I would like to have a degree but I would love to have my own computer shop. One thing I haven't mentioned yet is that I worked as a computer engineer for about one and a half years. It was the most fun I think I've even had working. Yes you get complete idiots coming in with problems they could have solved if they read the manual but you also get people who know nothing about computers and have tried to solve the problem with no luck. those are the people that I find rewarding to help. They are the people that thank you for the work and don't complain that's its not their fault they didn't know how to get capital letters(true story).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I had to teach my mother how to use torrents today... Being lazy I linked her to a help file on the web. "I'm not clicking on that, I'll lose the page I'm on!" She said... Lucky for her I was also too lazy to tell her she was an idiot. Helping people is very rewarding, so long as you can actually fix the shit yourself rather than dictating instructions.
I'd love to work in a computer shop too... Best of luck if you ever get it going.