Saturday 29 November 2008

Godwin's Law

Bored. Stuck in reading for half an hour with nothing to do. Phone is barely alive. Somehow managed to get it to breath again. Dunno how though. Battery must be almost dead. It died last Saturday. I have to look into the effect that gives batteries more power from doing nothing. Perhaps its mearly deviations from the battery itself. I miss Chloe already. I dunno what to do, I've been very depressed over the last month. I really love uni but its depressing at the same time. Am I destined to be a failure? I hope not. Wish I had some get rich quick scheme. Writing looks like a nice way to make monies but I dunno if I could keep it up. Should look into it when I get home. I have plenty of idea's just no way to get them on paper. I have a messed head. Wow, I'm writing and time is flying, I must be enjoying this stuff of something. Also my phone has died finally. The screen keeps whiting out. Gah now the battery is yelling at me about being low so I probably have to go. Ta ta virtual live! I'm afraid Hal.... Afraid to go. Lol oh god, I'm making terrible quotes from 2001. Bad signs. Well, on the train now. Met a drunk person, he was alright. Bit of a nutter though. I wonder how long my battery will last. I didn't think it would last more than 30 seconds but its still going, been 30 minutes now. I keep saving every other sentence just in case. I really like what i'9 writing here for some reason. Need to learn to use grammar correctly, as well as correct punctuation. Meh, getting a battery warning every time I save now. I give it 5 minutes max. I haven't tried turning the phone on so I might try that in a sec. See if I Can kill it. But if I do my entertainment dies with it :( I guess without video games I fall back to writing. Maybe I have a hidden talent! Like a super power! I could be super illiterate guy! Spending day and night fighting grammar Nazi's!

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